The above Kw output is typically what is acheived your acctual output may vary due to a few different factors, for eg age and condition of your engine and engine components.
In order to design the right turbo for an application, GTurbo™ engineers must first understand both the intended use, engine design and ECU/injection system that controls and fuels the engine. Once this is well understood, we are perfectly placed to design new mapping for standard and modified diesel engines. Our passion for engine optimization drives us towards substantial gains in both outright performance and fuel economy. Here in our Balcatta facility in Perth, Western Australia, our tuning is designed and rigorously tested on one or the largest dynos in Australia. Having a chasiss dyno with a high power and torque capability allows us to perform extended period testing that replicate extreme conditions your vehicle may experience from time to time.
Power – Depending on the vehicle and additional modifications, customers can typically expect 20%-30% increases in power from a stock turbo and fuel system. When combined with a GTurbo, customers can usually expect improvements in the range of 40%-150%.
Torque – Whether you are towing caravans or heading up the dunes, GTurbo’s tuning can increase torque by 20%-30% off a stock turbo. Again, when combined with a Gturbo, customers can typically expect results in the 50%-200% range.
Fuel Economy – Generally tuning produces an efficiency improvement. It is difficult to make an over arching statement about what gains we can get you due to the vast number and age of vehicles we tune. It would be accurate to say that improvements in economy are usually in the order of 2-10%.